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The Upstate New York Chapter of ARMA International, founded in 1969, is a diverse group of professionals from a cross-section of industries in Upstate New York. Members are at the front line of records management, dealing on a daily basis with such issues as records retention schedules and legalities, records storage, retrieval and disposition, disaster recovery and employee empowerment in records center operations.


The incoming board for the 2024-2026 term will consist of Kyle Powlina as president, Elizabeth Hansen as vice president, Alizabeth Harter as past president, Eileen Keating as secretary, and Theodore Hanousek as treasurer. Pat Franks and Jacqueline Lewis will remain on the board serving as directors. We are looking forward to many interesting educational events in the future.


The board will be having a summer planning meeting on July 10th.
Check back for news about future events.


RIM and Information Governance Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

M365 and Records Management presented by Meaghan Fukunago

From IM / Archivist to Risk Manager: How to transformation your role to focus on risk management presented by Amitabh Srivastav For the presentation slides click here.

Automating Retention Schedules: In-House vs. Outsourced

Keeping up with COVID-19 - Maintaining your Pandemic Records For a copy of the slides click here. Unfortunately, the first couple of slides were not recorded.

Digital Preservation 101 for Records Managers presented by Erin Faulder For a copy of her presentation slides click here.

Data Classification for Security


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